Soon, business landlines will be a thing of the past. Are small businesses willing to give up their business landlines and accept VOIP technology or business mobile phones?
Consumers are increasingly giving up business landlines to get mobile phones and internet-based phones, allowing them to be more efficient with their money. Some consumers need help with the transition.
Whether you’re an established company or a startup, deciding on alternatives to your business phone system and dumping it takes work. Money is an important consideration.
Landlines can provide dependable and consistent availability because they don’t rely on the internet or strong network signals to make calls. This is crucial when the weather is poor, especially in a storm. Your business phone is the only option for quick communication.
Next, consider the quality of your voice. You can expect clearer conference calls if your business phone line is working. The ultimate question is, is the business landline heading for an inevitable demise? Or are people looking for something new and fresh to augment their business landline?
We have listed four main considerations when removing your business phone line.
Cost Efficiency
Cost is the main reason VOIP has been so appealing to entrepreneurs worldwide. Because VOIP is so affordable, many business owners are now tempted to give up their business landlines and get VOIP phones for their offices. While VOIP plans have lower monthly fees than traditional phone services, the benefits of using mobile phones in the office are greater. There is no need to pay for additional phone systems.
Businesses can reduce their monthly phone bills by switching to VOIP phones. When switching to a new phone system, it would help if you asked some questions.
1. What will the cost of the new communication apparatus be?
2. What is the monthly cost?
3. Can I save money by eliminating the role of a PBX system manager for my onsite private business branch exchange?
4. What is the value attached to new calling and system management tools that aren’t available or in use?
Enterprises must consider various costs before deciding whether to rely on mobile phones exclusively for business communications. Mobile phones are undoubtedly the best, but they can be costly and a business problem. Mobile phones can break and become lost easily. On the other hand, business landlines are less likely to sustain damage from constant use.
Experts also stated that mobile phones pose a risk of liability. Experts say that talking on the phone while driving can lead to many road accidents. Even though a company might have a strict policy against it, they could still be sued if an untoward accident occurs while their employee is using the company-issued mobile phone to talk when the accident happens.
Easy Access
Accessibility is another important factor that favors business landlines. A business landline phone can be accessed at all times. Unlike VOIP and mobile phones, landlines are not dependent on strong network signals or an internet connection to make calls. However, due to recent technological advances, VOIP phones do not need to rely on internet connectivity.
Although internet downtimes are inevitable in modern life, certain technological advances have made VOIP phones more reliable than ever before. Even in cases where internet access is not possible, VOIP companies offer an alternative. Users can now easily route calls to another phone until the problem is resolved.
Additionally, VOIP is dependent on an internet connection. This may make it more appealing for small business owners and employees who need to be able to access their business lines from anywhere.
Mobile phones have their limitations in accessibility. Mobile phones depend on the network’s signals, so the quality of your calls will be influenced by how strong the signal strength is. The signal strength of your mobile phone will depend on where you are located. Mobile phones can only accept two calls at a time, making it an inefficient option for businesses that receive many calls daily.
Your business’s requirements and needs will determine the type of phone system you choose. A mobile phone is best for small businesses with 3-5 employees.
Voice Quality
Mobile phone users know that voice quality depends on many factors, including equipment, signal strength, location, etc. Voice quality has been a problem with VOIP phones since then, making many businesses reluctant to give up their landlines. VOIP technology is gaining popularity, and many users claim that voice quality is no longer an issue.
Many VOIP vendors allow businesses to test the service before switching. It is very easy to set up and configure. These tests will show users immediately that the quality of VOIP voice has improved significantly over time.